Quinter KAY Shows Appreciation for Others
Blake Selensky
During the week of Monday, Sept. 17 to Friday, Sept. 21 the Quinter High School Kansas Association for Youth celebrated an Appreciation Week. Throughout the week the KAY organization set aside each day to show appreciation for students, faculty and staff as well as health care providers, local businesses, and city employees.
The week started out with the KAY organization showing appreciation for our local healthcare providers on Tuesday, Sept. 18. The KAY organization traveled to the Gove County Medical Center to drop off a gift of appreciation, flower pens.
As part of the Citizenship week, the KAY brought in Daylight Donuts for the faculty and staff of Quinter Junior/Senior High School to enjoy before the start of school on Wednesday, Sept. 19. The KAY recognized the faculty and staff for all their hard work and dedication that goes into teaching and educating.
“It was a good thing to thank our teachers because they always do a lot for us and they deserve it,” commented freshman Evie Deaton.
On Thursday members traveled to several local businesses to thank them for their support of the schools and school programs. Flower pens made by the members were delivered to the businesses.
To finish the week, KAY showed appreciation for city employees on Friday, Sept. 21. To show appreciation the KAY took cookies down to the city workers.
The state KAY is set up in regions. Each year, individual regions choose a Regional Service Project to challenge all clubs to partake in. This year Region 4, Quinter’s region, chose acts of appreciation. Members felt there were so many people who could be thanked, they decided to designate the special appreciation week to offer gratitude to several organizations and individuals.